viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010


The coffee is one of the products more difundidos to world-wide level, that conforma important part of the canasta familiar.  In Colombia the consumption of coffee is growing each day more and the production also is increasing, this influences a lot in the national economy.
The importance to realize this subject was to treat to understand of practical way as it moves the demand and offer of this good.
As we, when going to buy a coffee to a supermarket or to a shop are forming part of a big group of consumers, to which no only affects him the price of the good in question, but also of cuanto explained to can spend in this good, is to say our entry; since a lot of the products that bought need of another.
Behind each consumer there is a producer that commission  of the elaborations of the product that is consuming  and through the study of the offer can determine and understand that series of stages happened this producer to can elaborate the good, stages like being able to install good technology, obtain prime subject, know enfrentar to it competes.
Finally the demand, the offer and balance of market of the coffee or of any product conformant a fundamental system that develop  daily in our economy, this owes us of incentives to know and to understand what sucede daily when purchasing a product.

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